Cilou Store

Kustlaan 134, Knokke, Belgium [email protected] Claudia de Vos Jaspers [email protected] / +32 468 290 414 Instagram @cilou_store


Nicholas Mellamphy [email protected] / +1 416 843 8760 Instagram @cabinebynicholasmellamphy 4302 – 311 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada

Galerie Perles de Plui

Steve Davies [email protected] / +33 171 756 919 10 bis rue Leopold Bellan, Paris, France Instagram @galerie.perlesdepluie

Sois Blessed

Ruth Gombert [email protected] Instagram @soisblessed Prannerstrasse 10, Munich, Germany

Verena von Eschenbach

Verena von Eschenbach. Munchen. Email: [email protected] Instagram: @verenavoneschenbach Tel: +49 179 106 9559


Lauren Clucas, Lefkas, Greece [email protected]

Alon Shina

Toni Shina [email protected] / +972 504 614 622 / +972 504 545 647 / +27 83 449 8144 WhatsApp Instagram @tonishina 7 Lapin apartment no 6, Tel Aviv, Israel

Barbara Gaibisso

Rome, Italy [email protected] Instagram @babi19.5

Bless Garden

6-3 Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu Seoul, Korea. Sunmi Back [email protected] Instagram @blessgarden

Coisas Deviagens

Zé Maciel Chaves [email protected] /+351 914 364 315 Av E.U.A No 2, Bloco 5 7A, Lisbon, Portugal Instagram @coisas_deviagens

Franki & Remi

Cape Town – Instagram: @frankiandremi – email: [email protected]

Dorp Hotel

Instagram: @dorphotel – email: [email protected]

The Royal Portfolio (The Silo Hotel, Royal Malewane, Birkenhead House, La Residence)

Instagram: @theroyalportfolio – email: [email protected]

For the Love of Silk

Instagram: @theloveofsilk – email: [email protected]

Merchants on Long 

Instagram: @merchantsonlong – email: [email protected]

Alo Alo

Beatriz Catalan Martinez [email protected] +34 675 938 308 Instagram @aloalolanzarote Don Jaime Quesada EL maestro Street, 8 old street El Varadero 13, Blanca Beach

Manufaktur 41 ByGabriele

Gabriele Richner [email protected] / +41 793 668 899 Instagram @gabrielebygabriele Frohlichstrasse 41, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland

Meike Bambach

Meike Bambach. Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Instagram: @paradieshotelftan Tel: +41 797 743 938. Hotel Paradies, Ftan, Switzerland

Joanne Fleming Design / Pavilion Parade

Joanne Fleming [email protected] / +44 796 352 3928 Instagram @pavilion_parade 9a Pavilion Parade, Brighton, UK

Casa Wild

Catherine Magnifico Email: [email protected] Instagram: @casawilduk Tel: +44 775 981 7438. London UK

Beatrice von Tresckow

9 Portobello Road, London – Instagram: @beatricevontresckowdesigns – email: [email protected] - website:

Amanda James Gallery / Museum Collection

Amanda Johnson [email protected] / +1 561 270 7832 Instagram @amandajamesgallery 400 Gulfstream Boulevard, Delray Beach, Florida 33444, USA

Adele Maroun

 New Hampshire – Instagram: @adelemaroun – email: [email protected]

Dom McAdam

Sydney – Instagram: @provincialkitchenshome – email: [email protected]

Gronbergs Interiors

Lindome – Instagram: @gronbergsinterior – email: [email protected]